A Inspirational story by Prakash who saved his life by retention of his semen

This is inspirational story of a guy who was going to end his life but he saved himself by reading a book. His named has been changed to secure his privacy. His story and mentioned book may change your life. My Name is prakash, I am from india, Indore from Madhya pradesh. I hope myContinue reading “A Inspirational story by Prakash who saved his life by retention of his semen”

TOP 5 Extinct animals walked like a killer weapon on earth.

5.Epicyon This animals is the top of all dogs species. It lived about 15 million years ago.They grew about 5t in length and weighed upto 300 pounds.They have a massive head like lion and very powerful jaws. This ancient dog needed to be big because they share there territory with ancient cats and bear andContinue reading “TOP 5 Extinct animals walked like a killer weapon on earth.”

Lets explore the deepest and mysterious hole on earth Mariana Trench.Here we go!

Mariana Trench Mariana Trench is the deepest hole in the sea, located in the western Pacific ocean about 200 kilometers east to the Mariana islands.It is crescent shaped and measure about 2550km in length and 69km in width Lets start explore Welcome my friends now we get our submersible craft and lets figure out theContinue reading “Lets explore the deepest and mysterious hole on earth Mariana Trench.Here we go!”

The doctors modern medicine the placebo effect. You can cure with no medicine!How?

What is Placebo effect? Placebo effect is know as the phenomenon or a mysterious power of the brain where people get releif with any abnormalities happen in their body such as pain or disease with a inactive substance or a false treatments. Placebo effect Explained As our most powerful part of your brain is ourContinue reading “The doctors modern medicine the placebo effect. You can cure with no medicine!How?”

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