A Inspirational story by Prakash who saved his life by retention of his semen

This is inspirational story of a guy who was going to end his life but he saved himself by reading a book. His named has been changed to secure his privacy. His story and mentioned book may change your life.

My Name is prakash, I am from india, Indore from Madhya pradesh. I hope my story helps other youths to go in their right path before the time come to end. My life has become hell and it was about to end, then i got a book and because of that book only i am alive today. Before revealing that book. I would like you request you that please listen my story patiently so that you won’t commit any horrible mistakes in youth,and live your life meaningfully.

Now i am 26 years old but when i am 15 years old i still remember from my childhood to my age of 15. When i used to walk among people, talk with them also played with them, they used to tell me that you are expectional guy. You are so beautiful and healthy great eyes and lips vigorous face and dense healthy hair and beautiful voice. When i walked among peoples they easily got attracted to me, i felt so proud. My behaviour with people was very good. My parents were happy with me. I was very good in academics. But suddenly my life take a U turn. One of my friend,who got a sexual magazine he used to read it and narrate me the same. I was not interested to listen but, I got addicted to listen to it. Once i caught my friend masturbating after watching him, I started masturbating too, to satisfy my unfullfilled desires but slowly slowly i was not satisfied by once, so i started masturbating a lot. I also started reading the sexual magazines.And this scene continued for long. My unfulfilled desires never satisfied. I always used to think of doing it with women. From that every girl, women i faced, it stimulated me badly and i used to think having sex with them. I did lot of masturbation because of this thoughts. One day a strange incident took place, when i was 22 years old,roaming outside, suddenly a thought stuck in my mind. I remembered my 15 year age,whenever i stepped out I feel pride but it’s not same today, no pride, no attention nobody sees me in that way anymore but now, i am feeling hesitated among people. People still watch me but i feel a criminal from inside. An old man said to me, have you got up from a long diseases because in your childhood you have a great body but now not the same now you have weak eyes with sticking chicks the beauty of your face is no more. your face has changed to an extent that it fell like a plastic surgery, the face and body color’s changed. I told him, no nothing like that. The old man said meet me in the shop i will gave you a book. After reaching my home i thought lot about it why the old man told me so? In 7 years i changed a lot that i didn’t noticed after that day, I got into depression and it cause worry to my family. Really time is so powerful. From 2 years i was in deep depression and kept remembering old thing and thought like, i wish my childhood will get back but life doesn’t work that way. My body and mind reached the limit of weakness. I can’t even express my condition. I used to shiver while standing and feel great shame in going outside. Due to depression, I got more deep into habit of masturbation. So once i thought sucide is the only way to rid of this hell, Before that i decided to meet the old man. At that time i was 24 years old. I reached his shop and told him that you said you give me the book before 2years ago.Can i get that book? he smiled and said,”this book always there with me,i keep giving this book to youths” he said in youth many youths make a horrible mistake and end up their life to hell. I decided to end up my life but also decided to read this book 5 times and see what happens. The name of the book is Divya Prerana Prakash. I didn’t knew about the semen. I didn’t know about the semen vital energy. I didn’t know about bravery. I didn’t know about the mind, body and soul but when i read this book 5 times the knowledge of the book tussled my mind again and again. On one side,i was getting rid of my bad habits and old memories and other side i was approaching the truth of the life. I felt like life is such a priceless thing which cannot be priced, Today i am 26 years old I want to tell every youth that don’t be a fool in driving pleasures from wrong movies and by getting into a wrong habit.

By lot of masturbation causes lot of semen loss that effects your body strength, nourishing of brain and your face unacttractive. By retention of semen longevity, glory, strength, vigor, knowledge, wealth, undying fame, virtues, and devotion to the truth increase. Thank you for all, let me know what you think.

TOP 5 Extinct animals walked like a killer weapon on earth.


Big dog

This animals is the top of all dogs species. It lived about 15 million years ago.They grew about 5t in length and weighed upto 300 pounds.They have a massive head like lion and very powerful jaws. This ancient dog needed to be big because they share there territory with ancient cats and bear and they always combat with big cats for food.

4.Pelagornis Sandersi

Biggest wingspan bird

You could also call this one the seagull from hell.They lived about 25 million years ago.Their wingspan is estimated between 20 to 24 ft- That is the largest wingspan on a bird ever discovered.The wingspan is also the size of the orca whale about6.4m. The scientists even surprised it can even fly at all. It could have the weight 88 pounds it is considered to be heavy to fly. The best theory is they could have the small body. And they spend time most of in ocean.


Scissor weapon shark

This shark lived about 300 to 400 million years ago.Edesteus having more arc of an teeth on both roof and the floot of its mouth. After its discovery scientist are baffled how this creature use its teeth formation to catch and eat its prey.The theory says it use his teeth like a scissors bringing upper and bottom together to crush and mash its prey into digestible chunks.


2nd largest reptile

This is the 2nd largest gaint crocodile ever walked on earth after the Sarcosuchus. It lived about across the South America about 8 million years ago. This monstorous beast had a very stout, robust head full of sharp teeth that could snag prey and never let go.They region it lived in it made up of amazon forest it lived in very different actually part of the vast inland sea. The sea full of gaint crocodiles, whale, huge rodents and massive turtles. Despite the size of the prey and the competition. Purrussaurs was the top predator.

1. Megalanis

Biggest kamodo dragon

This creature is essentially the great granddaady of the Komodo dragon They weighes about 1300 pounds 10 times of the weight of average human being they also grew to almost 18ft long. The megalanis is also made it to the modern era as well. They extinct just about 50,000 years ago. Is basically yesterday. They lived and die out in Australia,that means the earliest abnormal people may have lived alongside them.but the enough coordination they cannot take them out its risky,because one bite of Megalanis is enough to kill any predator.

This is are the extint animals we shouldn’t bring back to life. I hope you study something new. Thank you peace out!

Continue reading “TOP 5 Extinct animals walked like a killer weapon on earth.”

Lets explore the deepest and mysterious hole on earth Mariana Trench.Here we go!

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench is the deepest hole in the sea, located in the western Pacific ocean about 200 kilometers east to the Mariana islands.It is crescent shaped and measure about 2550km in length and 69km in width

Lets start explore

Welcome my friends now we get our submersible craft and lets figure out the voyage of the depths. Okay we get inside the water swimmers at waving at us but we no longer stay with them say bye to swimmers.

Here we come at 65ft deep a new whole world now front of your eyes tremendous of fishes and we see people again!The scuba drivers.In this depth water pressure is not a problem here without any special equipments

200ft- Now here’s the first orca.This whale is found relatively in shallow waters in every sea and every ocean.But there are some apex predators but Hence,for orca in this depth there is no natural enemies so no one can take them down.

230ft- In this depth we meet the whale sharks the largest unknownspecies, weighing upto 60 tons and they live about 130 years.

330ft- Now we can see the proffessional scuba divers with special equipments carrying their lives too! If they do not able to manage to come quikly to the surface their will be problem for them.Take care.

400ft- From here if your lucky you can get chance to see the Gaint pacific octopus crushing all the depts they can also survive in 1000of ft.

490ft– Now we reach the darkest part of the ocean,where only 1% of the sunlight reaches

660ft-Now in this depth we can see the gaint oarfish.This creature is beleived to be the source of all sea serpents sightings.Sometimes they swim surface of the water and freak out the sailors and swimmers.Now wonder this creature is 36ft in length enough to scare anybody.

980ft- Okay at this depth we found a japanese spider crab. The spider named because of their legs.Going deeper now!

1640ft- You can see the Blue wales the largest creature in the history of the earth. Now this the final depth which they can swim.

2723ft-Now we reach the point where the burj khalifa. The tallest building in the world.

3000ft-Now we reach the interesting part of the ocean where no sunglight reaches. And were the strange creature dwell! one of those is gaint squid the legendary creature.This creature having the eye of freebies size.The living nightmare for all creatures.

3300ft- Now we get into pitch black,the Midnight zone. The pressure here is so much that if you have watermelon in without a submersible it get busted in a seconds.

3600ft-There you see the west mata one of the deepest valcanoes in the ocean. Its last eruption was in 2009.

4200ft-Now here,we see the ferocious great white shark the ultimate predators.They feel great in depth, there eyessight are poor but they navigate by scents so they don’t really need the sunlight.

6600ft- Will be a able to see the Black Dragon fish the nightmarish creature.Its look something like horror movie.

7400ft- At this depth we will be saying goodbye to sperm wales this is the final depth where sperm wales can be seen.

12100ft- Here we reach the average depth of the World Ocean. From now the journey into the real depth begins,Mariana Trench has more depth than you thought.

13100ft- At this depth the pressure is too much increased is like the whole regiment of elephants stomping on you.

15000ft- Now the worst nightmarish able to see the Angler fish. His long and crooked teeth will scare heck out the anyone.But the most terrible creature also exist here the Black swallower it have the very stretch stomach and can swallow prey twice its size.

18500ft-Look down below and you will find the deepest ship wrech the SS RIO GRANDE in South Atlantic sunk in 1941.She goes down as 18900ft below.

19700ft-Now here the dive to Mariana trench is just start! This depth is mysterious for all the adventures and scientists too.

26000ft- Here we see the snailfish only dwells at deepest and darkest depth of the ocean. His body is translucent so you can see right through its skin.This guy is suprisingly can survive the deepest part of ocean.

35000ft- At this depth the pressure is too much for creature you will not find any fish here. But there are some shrumps and microbes restrain the pressure here.

35853ft- Arrival! Here we reach the land of Mariana trench this deep is know as the challenger deep. Very few research are carried down here Because the depth is too much that nO submersible are built to feel the pressure easily so challenging and Difficult. But scientist no gonna stopping here there resarch going on, what the secrets are holding inside the deepest ocean.


In Mariana Trench it is possible to get more legendary creatures we will study in next upcoming blog. So if you learn something new like and share with friends.THANK YOU!

The doctors modern medicine the placebo effect. You can cure with no medicine!How?

What is Placebo effect?

Placebo effect is know as the phenomenon or a mysterious power of the brain where people get releif with any abnormalities happen in their body such as pain or disease with a inactive substance or a false treatments.

Placebo effect Explained

As our most powerful part of your brain is our subconscious mind which is consist 95% of the power and it’s still a mysterious thing for our scientists in our body. Placebo is the false beleive in our mind but perhaps its work. For a example many people think if we doesn’t have a tea in the morning the headache will occurs wholeday.The truth is scientific research says tea does not have any element which can get you relief from the headache But tea relief’s the headache for some people respectively.Not the tea relief you from headache ,A False strong beleive you keep in your mind that having a tea will get me rid of pain. A strong beleive upon any inactive things tricks your Subconscious mind and whole body will react correspond upon your beleive to get the results what you desire.

Experiment 1

During the World War2 many American soldiers are heavily wounded and need doctors to do treatments.But the heavy numbers of soldiers and the scarcity of Anesthesia create a burden a circumstances and a big challenge for doctors. So the doctors choosen a secret among all doctors.Instead of Anesthesia they provide sugar and water mix solution.They started giving solutions to soldiers,after a hour the soldiers feel the depreciation in their pain magically and get relief magically. The incidents shocked the whole medical science.The false secret beleive that there is anesthesia in the injection trick your mind and the results get positive.

Experiment 2

To prove the placebo effect a german physiologist named Ulrich Wager done a experiment with 12 Olympic runners. They provide a 1dollar and 5 dollar energy drink to 12 runners and given them a task a excersice that finish this excersice within 10 minutes respectively. Having a 5dollar energy drink the all 12 runners have completed their task within 10minutes however next day having 1 dollar drink they not be able to complete their task as per given time. The runner’s speak the 1dollar energy drink is waste and no useful. But the real catch is the both energy drink are same and both price are 1 dollar respectively. But the false beleive given by Ulrich wager that the 1st energy drink is 5 dollar and the people tend to think that higher the price more in the quality.And the mind and body correspondly reacts to achieve results acording to your 100percent beleive.


As the placebo effect is still a mystery for our medical science but it shows that a only strong consistency beleive can get you up in your life. If you are not topper in your class but if you want to,say yourself i am topper everyday with emotions until your mind tricks and transform a new you. God give you power of self-fulfilling too. Believe in yourself and Respect yourself.

Human vs Corona

Immune security system

In human body all types of security can be seen at every level,carrying out every work in simple ways like guards,police,intelligence team and soldiers. They alert every single second of your entire life. There are 1microlictre of leukocytes in your body which are guards keep detecting any foreign body comes to your body. After detecting the suspect they instruct the immune system which is known as immune response. Leukocytes instruct the position of the foreign body, After informing the intelligence team (Brain subconscious) he scans the particular virus or bacteria power. And get all properties of virus. Atlast the soldiers are come out which is white blood compluses at particular rank same as the navial and army to defeat the evil in your body, this is all the process the immune system carried out . The real catch is your body is always underattack everyday, everytime, anywhere!

Cell Security system
As the virus have only one aim they just want to enter somehow in your cells to inject their genetic material. But the great thing is your cells have their own high Security. Human body is made up of 32.7 trillion cells. The cells have covered a Cell membrane which is like a gate. They followed strict rules in the cells For example oxygen can come inside and Co² will go outside only these,no other can enter without the permission of the intelligence team. The minerals are absorb by the cells outer receptors.But the virus is some little clever they change their appearance seek with the minerals somehow and try to enter. If a virus get succeed entering the cell still he is not safe. Their are Special enzymes in your inner part of cell. If they detect the foreign body inside the cell the virus get chopped by several pieces and kill the virus.The cell can also defend themselves. Once the cell detect the virus he alerts others cells to be alert ‘virus are trying to enter be careful’.

Magical immune water bodies(the ultimate defender

What if the immune system fails to defeat any virus in your body? The intelligence team then prepare your cells to enginneer the new water bodies which would be more powerful than the virus. The cells having a mysterious book which they read and carry out their whole day is nothing but your DNA which is secured in your nucleus.The intelligence team give permission to enzymes to enter the cells. The enzymes go inside the nucleus and read the DNA.Once he get the information how to make magical water bodies, he scan the all the information and make a copy to shares the other cells to work on it. After getting the information the enzymes start manufacture the bodies. After enginneered the magical bodies he charge the bodies with Mictochondria which is powerhouse of the cell. And the magical bodies(New soldiers)are capable to defeat any virus or bacteria in your body

Real catch!
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