Lets explore the deepest and mysterious hole on earth Mariana Trench.Here we go!

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench is the deepest hole in the sea, located in the western Pacific ocean about 200 kilometers east to the Mariana islands.It is crescent shaped and measure about 2550km in length and 69km in width

Lets start explore

Welcome my friends now we get our submersible craft and lets figure out the voyage of the depths. Okay we get inside the water swimmers at waving at us but we no longer stay with them say bye to swimmers.

Here we come at 65ft deep a new whole world now front of your eyes tremendous of fishes and we see people again!The scuba drivers.In this depth water pressure is not a problem here without any special equipments

200ft- Now here’s the first orca.This whale is found relatively in shallow waters in every sea and every ocean.But there are some apex predators but Hence,for orca in this depth there is no natural enemies so no one can take them down.

230ft- In this depth we meet the whale sharks the largest unknownspecies, weighing upto 60 tons and they live about 130 years.

330ft- Now we can see the proffessional scuba divers with special equipments carrying their lives too! If they do not able to manage to come quikly to the surface their will be problem for them.Take care.

400ft- From here if your lucky you can get chance to see the Gaint pacific octopus crushing all the depts they can also survive in 1000of ft.

490ft– Now we reach the darkest part of the ocean,where only 1% of the sunlight reaches

660ft-Now in this depth we can see the gaint oarfish.This creature is beleived to be the source of all sea serpents sightings.Sometimes they swim surface of the water and freak out the sailors and swimmers.Now wonder this creature is 36ft in length enough to scare anybody.

980ft- Okay at this depth we found a japanese spider crab. The spider named because of their legs.Going deeper now!

1640ft- You can see the Blue wales the largest creature in the history of the earth. Now this the final depth which they can swim.

2723ft-Now we reach the point where the burj khalifa. The tallest building in the world.

3000ft-Now we reach the interesting part of the ocean where no sunglight reaches. And were the strange creature dwell! one of those is gaint squid the legendary creature.This creature having the eye of freebies size.The living nightmare for all creatures.

3300ft- Now we get into pitch black,the Midnight zone. The pressure here is so much that if you have watermelon in without a submersible it get busted in a seconds.

3600ft-There you see the west mata one of the deepest valcanoes in the ocean. Its last eruption was in 2009.

4200ft-Now here,we see the ferocious great white shark the ultimate predators.They feel great in depth, there eyessight are poor but they navigate by scents so they don’t really need the sunlight.

6600ft- Will be a able to see the Black Dragon fish the nightmarish creature.Its look something like horror movie.

7400ft- At this depth we will be saying goodbye to sperm wales this is the final depth where sperm wales can be seen.

12100ft- Here we reach the average depth of the World Ocean. From now the journey into the real depth begins,Mariana Trench has more depth than you thought.

13100ft- At this depth the pressure is too much increased is like the whole regiment of elephants stomping on you.

15000ft- Now the worst nightmarish able to see the Angler fish. His long and crooked teeth will scare heck out the anyone.But the most terrible creature also exist here the Black swallower it have the very stretch stomach and can swallow prey twice its size.

18500ft-Look down below and you will find the deepest ship wrech the SS RIO GRANDE in South Atlantic sunk in 1941.She goes down as 18900ft below.

19700ft-Now here the dive to Mariana trench is just start! This depth is mysterious for all the adventures and scientists too.

26000ft- Here we see the snailfish only dwells at deepest and darkest depth of the ocean. His body is translucent so you can see right through its skin.This guy is suprisingly can survive the deepest part of ocean.

35000ft- At this depth the pressure is too much for creature you will not find any fish here. But there are some shrumps and microbes restrain the pressure here.

35853ft- Arrival! Here we reach the land of Mariana trench this deep is know as the challenger deep. Very few research are carried down here Because the depth is too much that nO submersible are built to feel the pressure easily so challenging and Difficult. But scientist no gonna stopping here there resarch going on, what the secrets are holding inside the deepest ocean.


In Mariana Trench it is possible to get more legendary creatures we will study in next upcoming blog. So if you learn something new like and share with friends.THANK YOU!

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